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Trial Monitor uses simple configuration files to set up the platform for a specific project. Each instance of Trial Monitor has a folder with YAML or JSON files that personalize among other things the database authentication credentials, Web pages for displaying data, or the characteristics of each data visualization employed.

Configuration structure

The config folder should look like this:

├── blueprints
├──── pages
├────── page1.yaml
├────── page2.yaml
├──── site.yaml
├── reducers
├── auth
├── cohorts
├── ui-config.json
  • /blueprints: contains the site and page configurations
  • /auth: contains the configuration of the system authentication
  • /reducers: (optional) contains one or more files, exporting custom functions for parsing data
  • /cohorts: (optional) allows manually grouping users into cohorts
  • ui-config.json: api url, auth and theme configurations for the UI


The blueprints folder contains the configuration files with the database authentication credentials, or pages and data visualizations specifications:

  • site.yaml is the main configuration file and contains the configurations to the database, and overall settings for the platform (e.g. project title)
  • pages/ contains the individual page configurations (one file per page)


The site.yaml file contains configurations of the databases and other global properties.

title: Project name
usersDB: database_id
expireTime: 3600

- id: database_id
type: firebase
  • title: Project name
  • usersDB: (optional) Users database
  • cache: (optional) Specify cache expire time (default value is 300 seconds). To use cache make sure redis service is running and accessible.
  • databases: Is an array that describes the configuration of one or more databases. Please check Database for details.


The pages folder contains one or more yaml/json files that describe the interface of each page. Each configuration file allows the configuration of the following properties:

  • title: Describes the name of the page and navigation
  • components: A list of data visualization components. Please check UI Definition for details.
title: Page title

- type: table
title: Table title
database: database_id
table: table_name


By default Trial monitor displays all participants on a single list. However, it is possible to manually create cohorts to organize user data:

  1. Add a file named cohorts.yaml to the config folder.
  2. There are two possible ways to define the cohorts:
  • Group users by a field
groupByField: gender
  • Create a map associating the cohorts with a list of users' identifiers
- 1
- 2
- 3


Trial Monitor can be customized according to the styles of your project/brand. To create a custom theme, edit the ui-config.json file in the /public (w/o Docker) or config/ (w/ Docker) folder according to your preference. Check the ui-config.json file in the config.template folder to see all options that can be configured.

"theme": {
"colors": {
"primary": "#007EB2",
"primaryTint": "#F2F5F8",
"primaryTintHover": "#e5ecf3",
"surface": "#ffffff",
"text": "#464646"
"fonts": {
"body": "Roboto, sans-serif"

To customize the logo that appears on the sidebar and login page, add an image file to the /public (w/o Docker) or config/ (w/ Docker) folder on the server and set the logo field with the correct value.

"theme": {
"logo": "logo.svg"